Archiv: November 2023

Power, silences, and production of space. New map of Russian State, 2023.

In January 2023 the discussion on the new law, which would classify any maps that “question the territorial integrity” of the Russian State as the extremist materials, has started in Russian Federation. That action is just one of the examples, of how the Russian state have been setting the monopoly on the production of the … Power, silences, and production of space. New map of Russian State, 2023. weiterlesen

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Better safe than sorry – why we are testing visualisations early

Maps convey information in a graphical form. There is no general recipe to create a map and its symbols; each map has its unique workflow and next to the cartographic conventions, there is a space for creativity and new ideas. Map-making is an iterative process where a cartographer interacts with both data and the author’s … Better safe than sorry – why we are testing visualisations early weiterlesen

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