Artikel zum Schlagwort: Russia

Mapping “ownerless property”: Housing appropriation as a dimension of Russian occupation in Ukrainian cities

Since the beginning of the armed conflict in 2014 in the Donbas region and even more since the 2022 full scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, several dwellings (mostly flats in multi-story buildings, but also individual houses) have been characterised as „abandoned“ by the occupying Russian administration which presented that as a major issue in … Mapping “ownerless property”: Housing appropriation as a dimension of Russian occupation in Ukrainian cities weiterlesen

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Power, silences, and production of space. New map of Russian State, 2023.

In January 2023 the discussion on the new law, which would classify any maps that “question the territorial integrity” of the Russian State as the extremist materials, has started in Russian Federation. That action is just one of the examples, of how the Russian state have been setting the monopoly on the production of the … Power, silences, and production of space. New map of Russian State, 2023. weiterlesen

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