Artikel zum Schlagwort: urban studies

The post-socialist city: The current critique and directions for future research

Since the collapse of state socialism in Europe, various aspects of transition, including the transformation of cities, have attracted scholarly attention. Despite the momentous scale of such changes, the influence and visibility of research into the post-socialist city remain limited. The current criticism is summarised in the following points: i) research on post-socialist cities remains … The post-socialist city: The current critique and directions for future research weiterlesen

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From the urban conflicts to the urban regime: How I came to the idea of St. Petersburg research in Leipzig

Once I saw how workers cut trees in the park near my house in Saint Petersburg. Despite the horrible disappointment it gave me the first scientific motivation. This sadness from felled trees made me interesting in the idea how to make life in cities better. I began to study ecological and eco-cultural conflicts in the … From the urban conflicts to the urban regime: How I came to the idea of St. Petersburg research in Leipzig weiterlesen

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Ankommen als rhizomatischer Prozess

„Welcher Ort in Leipzig ist wichtig für mich? Was habe ich hier erlebt? Wie sieht dieser Ort aus? Wie riecht es hier/hört es sich hier an? Und welche Gefühle verbinde ich mit diesem Ort?“ Diese Fragen standen im Zentrum von drei Storymapping-Workshops für Newcomer*innen, die wir im Rahmen unserer Forschung zu den Alltagserfahrungen junger Geflüchteter … Ankommen als rhizomatischer Prozess weiterlesen

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Public transport as public space in times of COVID-19: Disruption and continuity in urban mobility systems

In our research project “Public transport as public space in European cities”, we investigate daily public transport encounters as an intense site of cultural diversity and social integration, but also of marginalisation and systemic discrimination in five different European countries. Having started our work in Summer 2019, the idea has been to conceptualise public transport … Public transport as public space in times of COVID-19: Disruption and continuity in urban mobility systems weiterlesen

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